Our machines
Model | Width (m) | Weight (kg)* | No. of tines (pcs) | No. of discs (pcs) | No. of knifes (pcs) | Power demand (HP) | Performance (ha/h) |
SN300 + ANU30 | 3.0 | 1700 | 20 | - | - | 100 - 150 | 2.7 |
SN300 + ANT30 | 3.0 | 2150 | - | 24 | - | 130 - 180 | 2.7 |
SN300 + ANA30 | 3.0 | 2060 | - | - | 24 | 100 - 210 | 2.7 |
* The given weight is approximate and may differ from the actual one, depending on the equipment and configuration.
The combination of a top-mounted seed drill with different types of aggregates allows for the perfect selection of a seedbed combination for each type of soil. Choose a set that perfectly fits your farm. You can also use the seeder for sowing catch crops.
This compact seedbed combination is characterized by a very good weight distribution. Technologists and designers have devoted a lot of attention to designing a suitably light set, with a compact structure and center of gravity as close as possible to the tractor. The developed structure makes it possible to aggregate the cultivating and sowing set with tractors of relatively low power.
A specially designed map of the tooth system (the angle of work of subsequent rotors with teeth relative to each other) gives the user an optimal starting position, which in turn can translate into perfect breakdown of soil lumps. The gap between the teeth guarantees quiet work without clogging. The system of gears forming gears driving teeth and positioning bearings is very precise. Its long life is guaranteed by the cassette sealing system. As standard, the active harrow has side screens mounted on springing handles. The screens limit the radius at which the soil is thrown, thus preventing the formation of ridges at the junction of passages.
The continuously variable transmission - the heart of the seed drill - is based on a cam system with directional clutches. The settings are made on the basis of a large, convenient scale referring to the fertilizer chart display. High-quality components working at the heart of the gearboxes ensure long life with high precision in dosing grain.
The spring harrow with simple mechanical adjustment of the working angle and pressure on the soil is adapted to work even with a large amount of straw lying on the field surface. L-shaped spring tines perfectly cover ridges and level the field surface.
The seeder can be equipped with a system for creating tramlines. The operator decides how he wants to control this system by choosing between a mechanical switch, an electric controller and a computer.
The machine equipped with a computer gives the operator the widest range of possibilities, and the sensor system integrated with it sends in the present time additional information about the sowing parameters - among others by alerting the operator with a low grain level in the seeder box.
SI11404 Complete mounting RAM
In addition to the mechanical controller and the computer, it is possible to equip the seed drill with an electric controller dedicated to tramlines.
Users of seed drills built on aggregates with tines have the opportunity to expand the configuration of their machine's equipment with toothed drag installed on the frame of the aggregate. The trawl works as the first working section, leveling the surface of the cultivated strip of the field, eliminating unwanted unevenness and humps formed e.g. during plowing. The system is protected against overloads and has pressure and depth adjustment.
Arrangement of pre-emergence path markers. The operator conveniently from the tractor cab controls the operation of track markers using an electric switch or a computer. Both markers have pressure regulation and can work in a changed spacing.
Illumination of the seed box
Set of two supports
available only for electric tramline system with computer
Patterns of tramline settings
Instruction manual for AM PLUS controller version 2.0 (PL)
Instruction manual for AM PLUS controller version 1.1 (EN)
Instruction manual for AM PLUS controller version 1.1 (DE)
User manual for the W-1 controller
Instruction manual for the T1 controller
Menu diagram of the AD20 controller (PL)
Menu diagram of the AD20 controller AD20 (EN)
Menu diagram of the AD20 controller (DE)