Our machines
Tubular roller
The roller with a diameter of 500mm is most universal in our offer. It performs best on the light and non-stony soils in the dry conditions. The roller guarantees the stable operation of the aggregate at the demanded and specified working depth. It leaves the soil loose creating the good conditions for sowing.
The weight of the roller with the width of 3 metres – 140kg.
Rubber roller
The shaft is made of rubber rings with a diameter of 500 mm. This embankment can work in both moist and dry soils. Perfect for preparing fields for sowing in mulch. The properties of the rubber from which the rings are made and the shaft scrapers used allow to eliminate the unwanted clogging of the shaft, and thanks to the optimal diameter and relatively low rolling resistance there is also no "pushing" effect of the ground even at low operating speeds. Specially profiled rings allow for effective secondary compaction of the soil in the bands, and with the appropriate spacing of the rings in the field, optimal conditions are created for sowing cereals, because the sowing area is compressed vertically and the soil is loosened between the belts (in the line on which the seed coulters are carried) in which much of the rain soaks up.
Shaft weight at 3 meters width - 454 kg. >
Flat-bar roller (flat and notched)
Shaft with a construction similar to a tubular shaft, based on laterally arranged sections of flat bars with a smooth or serrated edge. The relatively light and universal rollers are characterized by a good coefficient of crumbling and leveling the top layer of soil. Works well in light and medium lands.
V-ring roller
The use of a roof roller is particularly recommended for soils with a tendency to lumps. The section of knife scrapers supports aggressively soil-growing rings, which guarantees intensive breaking of lumps of soil. The annular structure of the roller belt kneads the soil significantly, resulting in better soil absorption.
Shaft weight at 3 meters width - 216 kg.
T-ring roller
The shaft with a diameter of 500 mm, with properties corresponding to the visor shaft, made of T-ring sections. Compacts soil with belts. It works great on lumpy grounds due to the aggressive profile of these rings. Also on this shaft is a section of long scrapers cleaning the inter-ring spaces.
Shaft weight at 3 meters width - 260 kg.
Prismatic roller
The prismatic shaft profile was created especially for pre-sowing cultivation. The shape of the teeth minimizes the sticking of the soil, which translates into optimal loosening of the soil for sowing. Sharp teeth form a reliable substrate for seed placement.
C-profile roller
The shaft built of C-shaped profiles is distinguished by one unique feature: the profiles fill up with soil during operation, which protects the rings and extends their service life. The rings do not interfere with the soil with a large surface. The main contact surface with the cultivated belt is the sealing soil rings, protecting the field from the formation of a surface compacted layer. Each of the rings forming the shaft works independently with respect to the axis. The shaft is available in two versions: single or double. In the tandem version, the rings mesh with each other and give an even better effect of crumbling the rolled soil. The roller enables optimal preparation of the field for sowing, it is also perfect for mulch farming.
Shaft weight at 3 meters in tandem version - 490 kg.
Cracker roller
The shaft is designed to work in the most difficult field conditions - for crushing large lumps, on loamy soils - when cultivating the soil and preparing it for sowing.
Ring roller
Consisting of elastic rings made of hardened steel, the shaft is dedicated to growing heavy soils. The roller strengthens the soil by breaking up lumps creating better conditions for soaking the soil. Protecting the roller against clogging or sealing with moist soil, the knife scrapers additionally crush soil lumps that get into the spaces between the rings. The smooth surface of the rings compensates for soil sticking on the roller when working, even on moist and clay soils.
Shaft weight at 3 meters width - 182 kg.
Packer roller
Solid gear shaft with a diameter of 500 mm. Ideal for wet, stony soils and those with a lot of organic residues. The construction of the embankment ensures even, medium compaction of the upper layer of soil over the entire width of the cultivated belt. Assisted by the section of scrapers that clean the embankment from moist soil, it can also be successfully used on medium and heavy soils. Scrapers are made of hardened steel which affects their long life while maintaining full operational efficiency. Each individual scraper plate is adjustable on a stable handle, which allows for long use. The frame on which the scrapers are mounted gives the opportunity to change the angle of their work. The shaft is especially dedicated to working in tillage sets.
Shaft weight at 3 meters width - 260 kg.
Tandem roller
The most types of the machines included in the offer can be integrated with the tandem system of the tillage (finishing) rollers. The tandem is an arrangement of two rollers, i.e. flat bar roller - 400mm and tubular roller - 400mm. Since the rollers are hung on the frame with the hinges they can operate adapting to the field unevenness and avoiding double jump effects which lower the work quality. The roller allows the stable unit conduct while keeping the specified working depth. It also shows the high coefficient of the cultivated strip levelling and soil recompacting.
Tandem 2 x crosskill
Rubber 2020 roller
The rubber roller with a diameter of 560 mm is suitable for operation in almost any conditions. The tool is adapted to work with the seeder. Due to its construction, the roller compacts the soil only in the place where the seeds fall, leaving the soil open between the rows. This solution makes it easier to cover the seeds just after sowing.
A row spacing of 12.5 or 15.0 cm is available.
Trapezoidal 2020 roller
The rubber roller with a diameter of 560 mm is suitable for work on light and medium soils. The tool is adapted to work with the seeder. Due to its construction, the roller compacts the soil only in the place where the seeds fall, leaving the soil open between the rows. This solution makes it easier to cover the seeds immediately after sowing.
A row spacing of 12.5 or 15.0 cm is available.
Crosskill roller
Works great when breaking up lumpy soil. It leaves a strip of soil with a loose structure, and thus also prevents the formation of crust on its surface. The annular shaft design protects it from clogging. The roller is ideal for light soils. The shaft can be configured with a system of longitudinal scrapers that clean the spaces between the rings.
Shaft weight at 3 meters width - 420 kg.